
In Praise of Fog

In preventing clear sight, you encourage insight,
O mist of memory.
You are a galaxy of water in a universe of air;
You introduce us to the mystery of short horizons
And the ever-present possibility of

When you descend upon us--
We that are on land,
We that are warm,
That do not struggle for our very lives--

You whisper a secret,
Promise a new truth:
That when the curtain is lifted,
And the old truth is renewed,

We will newly understand
That what is brief is beautiful,
What is shrouded
Is sure to return.

--Mr. Gobley

1 comment:

karen said...

When i get lonely-
waiting for a new poem...
from u:
i look back, sometimes yrs
back- to see where you have
been- where you are coming
from and where you are going-
to take us:0)

Thank you, btw.
In case you could wonder,
if i were ever thankful.
Your thoughts have always
helped me.

They always will.

code word asked to copy
2prove i am no robot=
sacrificed ingvnie